Monday, January 25, 2010

Made chicken for dinner and we took the food to my grandparents and had dinner there.

2 litlar tsk sinnep
ca 1 msk sítrónusafi
1 stórt hvítlauksrif
tæpt 1 dl fructose (en það varð of sætt, notaði bara 1/2 dl næst)
1/2 dl eplaedik
1 dl olía
krydd- ítalska kryddið og herbs de provence.


Ate lunch yesterday about the same time I ate brunch the day before, lol.

the last of the pasta with cheese and ketchup

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pasta salad

I still had some left over pasta last night so I made pasta salad. Again was in a hurry so wanted to make something quick.

pasta, cucumber, red pepper and salad bowl lettuce
plus feta cheese :)
pasta salad
added just a little mayo to get more taste ;)

Friday night-Pasta

Made pasta for dinner last Friday night. Was in a hurry because I was getting late for my small group. Was going to drive my parents to their Bible study group first, so we had to leave earlier.

Just added feta cheese with the pasta and grounded beef from the night before. I really like feta cheese, it's so good with salad and even with pasta/spaghetti.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Made pancakes for breakfast (or rather brunch) today

Used a recipe from a children's cookbook in Swedish.

2 eggs
2 1/2 dl milk (I used oat milk)
1 dl flour (I used spelt today but sometimes I use cornmeal)
a little salt
1 tbsp butter

1. beat two eggs lightly.
2. First add 1 dl milk, flour and salt. whip until the batter is without clumps. Then add the rest of the milk.
3. Melt the butter and mix it in.
4. Heat a griddle and add a little butter before you make the first pancake. Stir the batter a little before pouring or scooping onto the griddle.
5. Turn over the pancake after a few minutes.


pancakes with strawberry jam

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I was only sick and away from work for 3 days last week, was back to work last Friday but I still had a cold. So I had a rather relaxing weekend and didn't cook or bake much but took a few pictures. And then this week I have been tired and busy. Didn't upload the pictures until now.

Here are pictures from the last 10 days. Didn't take picture every day so some dates are missing.

Thursday the 14th

patties, like the other day.
brown rice

Saturday the 16th

spelt spaghetti


Monday the 18th

broccoli and red onion
brown rice and butter beans in curry

I also made cinnamon rolls

2 tsp yeast
1 dl milk, lukewarm (I used rice milk)
2 1/2 dl flour (I used spelt)
1/2 dl bran (didn't have it, so I added a little more spelt)
1 tbsp sugar (I used xylitol)
25 gr butter

25 gr softened butter
2 tbsp cinnamon-sugar

1.-2. Heat up the milk a little (until lukewarm), then add the yeast and wait for 3-5 mins.
3.-4. Sift flour into a bowl, take aside 1/2-1 dl to use later, then add salt and sugar.
5. Mix the butter with the flour mix.
6. Blend together the yeast mix and the flour mix and knead the dough.

7.-8. Sprinkle the flour that was set aside over the dough and leave to rise for 10-15 mins in a warm place. I put it in the oven at 50°C. Meanwhile make the filling.

9.-10. Put baking sheet on a baking plate. Knead the dough again.

11.-12. Roll out the dough, spread the softened butter and sprinkle the cinnamon-sugar over.

13.-14. Roll up the dough and cut it into pieces. Place the rolls on the baking plate and let them rise for 10-15 mins.

15. Bake the rolls in the preheated 200°C oven for 12-15 mins.

Wednesday the 20th

ground beef
sweet-sour sauce

my dinner

healthy home-made chocolate

1 dl cold pressed coconut oil
1/2 dl agave syrup
2 dl coco powder

Mix ingredients together

Put it, for example, in a ice cube form and keep it in the freezer

a chocolate heart :)

Thursday the 21st

leftover from the evening before

Enough for now ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

fried vegetables

I'm sick so I won't be cooking or baking the next couple of days or so. Hopefully I can catch up next weekend.

we had fried vegetables for dinner

fried vegetables

Monday, January 11, 2010


I haven't totally taken over the cooking at home, my mom made dinner again tonight but I helped out.
we had two kinds of patties- lentil and carrot patty and garlic patty with potatoes, broccoli and carrots.

garlic cutlets, lentil and carrot cutlets
broccoli and carrots
icelandic potatoes :)
my dinner

Sunday, January 10, 2010


My mom made dinner this evening, I helped a little by making salad. I know, I have made a lot of different salads lately, lol. We had goulash for dinner.

salad: salad bowl lettuce, cucumber, red pepper and feta cheese

Egg salad

Had brunch today with my girlfriends from university. Made egg salad and brought also the left over of the chicken salad from last night and crackers with me.

egg salad:
4 eggs
a spoonful of mayonnaise
italian seasonings, a little curry and herb salt.

egg salad

chicken salad from last night

Chicken salad 2

Had dinner tonight with one of my Bible groups and made another kind of chicken salad, like a spread.

red paprika
chicken salad spread (forgot to take a picture of the chicken breast, was in a hurry because I was late)